Streamline Transactions with Instant Payment Notifications (IPN)

aamarPay provides webhooks that empower you to develop e-commerce applications that subscribe to specific events related to your aamarPay account. Once any of these events is triggered, we will send an HTTP POST payload to the designated URL of your webhook. Each notification message delivered to your webhook listener is signed by aamarPay for added security and integrity.

Configure Webhook

To configure the webhook listener, set up a designated URL on the merchant's side that receive HTTP POST notification messages when events occur. Once the setup is complete, provide the listener URL to aamarPay's technical support team during the onboarding or integration process.

Sample Payloads

Successful Payment Payload

  "pg_txnid": "AAMXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "mer_txnid": "XXXXXXXXXX",
  "risk_title": "Not-Available",
  "risk_level": null,
  "cus_name": "Mr. ABC",
  "cus_email": "[email protected]",
  "cus_phone": "010000000",
  "cus_add1": "Dhaka",
  "cus_add2": "Dhaka",
  "cus_city": "Dhaka",
  "cus_state": "Dhaka",
  "cus_postcode": "1206",
  "cus_country": "Bangladesh",
  "cus_fax": "010000000",
  "ship_name": null,
  "ship_add1": null,
  "ship_add2": null,
  "ship_city": null,
  "ship_state": null,
  "ship_postcode": null,
  "ship_country": null,
  "desc": null,
  "merchant_id": "XXXXXXX",
  "store_id": "XXXXXXX",
  "amount": "10.00",
  "amount_bdt": "10.00",
  "pay_status": "Successful",
  "status_code": "2",
  "status_title": "Successful Transaction",
  "cardnumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "approval_code": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "payment_processor": "XXXXXXXXXX",
  "bank_trxid": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "payment_type": "XXXXXXXXX",
  "error_code": "0000",
  "error_title": "Not-Available",
  "bin_country": "Not-Available",
  "bin_issuer": "Not-Available",
  "bin_cardtype": "Not-Available",
  "bin_cardcategory": "Not-Available",
  "date": "2018-03-17 15:20:55",
  "date_processed": "2018-03-17 15:55:35",
  "amount_currency": "10.00",
  "rec_amount": "9.65",
  "processing_ratio": "3.50",
  "processing_charge": "0.35",
  "ip": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "currency": "BDT",
  "currency_merchant": "BDT",
  "convertion_rate": "Not-Available",
  "opt_a": "Not-Available",
  "opt_b": "Not-Available",
  "opt_c": "Not-Available",
  "opt_d": "Not-Available",
  "verify_status": "PENDING",
  "call_type": "Post-Method",
  "email_send": "1",
  "doc_recived": "NO",
  "checkout_status": "Not-Paid-Yet"


Merchants will receive notifications exclusively for successfully completed payment transactions. The payload will include essential transaction information. In case additional data, such as references, is needed, merchants can utilize the Search Transaction Details API call.